Pressrelease No. 1 Red Bull X-Alps
The Red Bull X-Alps -850 km along
the Alps, day and night, by foot or with a paraglider,
crueling hours and tremendous pains. The world.s toughest adventure
event proved to be the most astonishing paragliding and adventure race
of the recent years. A race against all
physical and pshychological odds, a race of pure
paragliding and never ending hikes!“ says Red Bull X-Alps mastermind
Hannes Arch after the first Red Bull X-Alps
in 2003.
1st of August, 2005, 20 athletes will launch themselves again into the
air from Austria’s Dachstein mountain range
and embark on one of the world’s toughest adventure
competitions: the Red Bull X-Alps. This race requires the participants
to cross the Alps from east to west by flying
their paragliders or by hiking and without the help of any
other means of transportation. Monaco, the destination, is about 850
kilometers from Dachstein and must be reached
via Zugspitze and Mont Blanc in three weeks or less.
Red Bull X-Alps is a competition
for international teams. A team consists of the paraglider
pilot and his supporter. For the athlete mobilized transportation of
any kind is forbidden. The supporter can
use any means of transportation except for flying and helps
his teammate in supplying food, equipment or information.
This year a tremendous effort will
be made to produce high quality footage and images never
seen before in such an event. The athletes will carry Mini DV cameras
and MMS mobilephones to directly update
their diaries on the website. A helicopter with a Wescam system
will follow the teams all 3 weeks to get images of hiking and paragliding
as never seen on TV. This year the Red Bull
X-Alps will be THE adventure race to come. A race of
incomparable exertion. An event, whose participants will experience
numerous memorable moments.
During the race the event website
will display a unique feature -Real time positioning information
of the pilots via a cutting edge GPS Tracking System. Together with
our partner Braeuniger we are designing
a special GPS Tracking System that gives a regular
position update of all participating teams.
unique possibility to follow the race live
and check on how your team is advancing on their way along the Alps!
Website and Athlete’s Registration
The website will go live on the 15th
of March 2005 and will give detailed information on the
race. The athlete’s registration on the website will be open until the
25th of April 2005.
Check back on 15th of March 2005
at www.redbullxalps.com
Usage of all images and text is free
of charge for editorial purposes.