Patrick Berhault

The list of summits Patrick
and Phillipe are going to summit:
Massif des
Barre des Ecrins - 4101 m 
Dome de neige des Ecrins - 4015 m 
Massif du Grand Paradis
Gran paradiso - 4061 m 
Massif du Mont Blanc
Aiguille de Bionnassay - 4052 m 
Dome du Gouter-4306m I, 4304m F 
Mont Blanc/Monte Bianco - 4810 m 
Monte Bianco di Courmayeur-4765m 
Picco Luigi Amedeo - 4470 m 
Mont Brouillard - 4068 m 
Punta Baretti - 4006 m 
Grand Pilier d'Angle - 4243 m 
Aiguille Blanche de Peuterey-4114m 
Mont Maudit - 4468 m (I), 4465 m (F) 
Mont Blanc du Tacul - 4248 m 
L'Isolee - 4114 m 
Pointe Carmen - 4109 m 
Pointe Mediane - 4097 m 
Pointe Chaubert - 4074 m 
Corne du Diable - 4064 m 
Dent du Geant - 4014 m (I), 4013 m (F) 
Aiguille de Rochefort - 4001 m 
Dome de Rochefort - 4015 m 
Pointe Margherita - 4065 m 
Pointe Elena - 4045 m (F), 4042 m (I) 
Pointe Croz - 4110 m (F), 4108 m (I) 
Pointe Whymper - 4184 m (F), 4180 m (I) 
PointeWalker - 4208 m (F), 4206 m (I) 
Les Droites - 4000 m 
Aiguille du Jardin - 4035 m 
Grande Rocheuse - 4102 m 
Aiguille Verte - 4122 m 
Alpes Bernoises
Aletshhom - 4195 m
Jungfrau - 4158 m
Monch - 4099 m
Gross Fiescherhorn - 4049 m
Hinter Fiescherhorn - 4025 m
Gross Grunhorn - 4044 m
Finsteraarhorn - 4274 m
Schreckhorn - 4078 m
Alpes Valaisannes
Combin de Valsorey - 4184 m 
Combin de Grafeneire - 4314 m 
Combin de Tsessette - 4141 m 
Dent d'Herens - 4179 m (I), 4171 m (CH)
Monte Cervino / Matterhorn - 4478 m
Dent Blanche - 4357 m 
Bishorn - 4153 m 
Weisshorn - 4506 m 
Ober Gabelhorn - 4063 m 
Zinalrothorn - 4221 m 
BreithornWWest - 4165 m (I), 4164 m (CH) 
Breithorn central - 4160 m (I), 4159 m (CH) 
Breithorn Est - 4141 m (I), 4139 m (CH) 
Breithorn (Pointe 4106) - 4106 m 
Roccia Nera - 4075 m 
Pollux - 4092 m (CH)- 4091 m (I) 
Castor - 4228 (CH), 4221 m (I) 
LyskammW - 4481 m (I), 4479 m (CH) 
Lyskamm E - 4527 m 
Punta Giordani - 4046 m 
Piramide Vincent - 4215 m 
Corno Nero - 4322 m 
Ludwigshohe - 4342 m (I), 4341 m (CH) 
Parrotspize - 4436 m (I), 4432 m (CH) 
Signalkuppe / Punta Gnifetti - 4554 m 
Zumsteinspitze / Punta Zumstein - 4563 m 
Dufourspitze / Punta Dufour - 4635 m 
Nordend - 4612 m (I), 4609 m (CH) 
Strahlorn - 4190 m
Rimpfischhorn - 4199 m
Allalinhorn - 4027 m
Alphubel - 4206 m
Taschhorn - 4491 m
Dom - 4545 m
Lenzspitze - 4294 m
Nedelhorn - 4327 m
Stecknadelhorn - 4241 m
Hohbarghorn - 4219 m
Dirruhorn - 4035 m
Weissmies - 4023 m
Lagginhorn - 4010 m
Lauteraarhorn - 4042 m
Massif de la Bernina
Piz Bernina - 4049 m
Patrick Berhault and Philippe
82 "4-thousand"
mountains in the Alps
for 82 days !!!
(29.04.2004) new!
According the information we've got,
Patrick Berhault, 47 years old climber, has died after cornice
falling on Taschhorn, (4491m). It is a mountain in Switzerland,
in a spur extending to the north from the main ridge, in area
of the resort small town of Zermatt.
On Wednesday, on April, 28, Patrick and Phillip left the camp
Mischabeljosh (3.851m). This day they planed to summit 4 tops:
Taeschhorn (4.491 m), Dom (4.545 m), Lenzspitze (4.294 m)
and Nadelhorn (4.327 m). His dead body was found on Thursday,
April, 29 2004, at the altitude of 3800m. On the preliminary
information at 11.20 a.m. at 4400m a cornice collapsed and
Patrick fell down over 600m. Unfortunately, he was not roped
up with his partner Philippe Magnin as the cornice was seem
not difficult to them.
It was their 66th "four-thousand" mountain, from 82 in the
Alps, which they were going to summit for 82 days.
Monday, on April, 19 55/82/
Zermatt (1616m)
Tuesday, on April, 20 55/82.
Zermatt (1616m) - Refuge de Schonbiel (2694m)
At last, weather forecasters promise a lot of sun! The plan:
to reach col Durand, then to descend to spend the night at
cabane du Mountet, and the next day to try to ascend Ober
Gabelhorn, and then to descend to Refuge de Schonbiel. Note:
Not to forget: sunglasses and a sunblock lotion!
on April, 21 56/82.
Dent Blanche (4357m).
The sun is out… At 8.45 a.m. Patrick answers my ritual greeting
(identical within the last fifty days): "Where you are?" I
am surprised! I imagined them on Ober Gabelhorn, but they
summited Dent Blanche (4357m)… Ober Gabelhorn is postponed
for tomorrow.
Thursday, on April, 22 57/82.
Ober Gabelhorn (4063m)
Photo courtesy of http://www.club4000.it/
For 31 day of March the two-men team
Patrick Berhault - Philippe Magnin has summited 31 "four-thousand"
For the first days of April they are planning going from Italy
to the well-known Swiss hotel - hut des Glaciers, and ascending
then to the hut la cabane de Valsorey, located above de Bourg
Saint-Pierre. The weather pleases, and the program is rather
sated. " But, - as Patrick notes, - it is not necessary to
run day after day, up to the hut the difference of altitude
is 3000m".
April, 2, Friday
As it was planned, on Thursday in the evening Patrick and
Phillip spent the night at the hut la cabane de Valsorey:
the exhausting ascent up to this hut is known for numerous
"caravans" of enthusiasts, being covered in sweat at the stage
Chamonix-Zermatt. Then they spent a long evening in company
with Rivella (soda, so popular in Switzerland, as well as
Cola), woke up early at 2.00 a.m. and left at 3.00 in a direction
of Combin. They made their start on the big slope via the
classical "Haute-route", leading them to the Plateau du Couloir,
where is stationary bivouac settled at 3664 m - a wonderful
place to leave skis and ascend the tops of Grand Combin: Combin
de Valsorey (4184 m), Combin de Grafeneire (4317 m) and Combin
de Tsessette (4141 m). At 10 o'clock this stage was completed.
Despite of a strong gusty wind, the weather at the top was
quite tolerable. But Mont Blanc stands, shrouded in a cap
of clouds, and it means that the bad weather is not far off.
The evening came to the end in a hut cabane Chanrion, next
to a place of start their following "big walk": Couronne Imperiale,
huge traverse, bending around Zermatt and numbering 30 summits
higher than 4000 meters. For the first time this improbable
route was done in 1986 by Swisses Erhard Loretan and Andre
Photo courtesy of http://www.club4000.it/
Monday, on March, 29 2004
Val Ferret -Grande Joras via rochers du Reposoir, traverse
of Jorasses in the following order: Pointe Elena (4045 m),
Pointe Margherita (4065 m), re-pointe Elena, Pointe Croz (4110
m) , Pointe Whymper (4184 m), PointeWalker (4208 m), returning
to Boccalatte hut.
Tuesday, on March, 30
31/82. The program on Mont Blanc massif is executed. Head
for Valais! Having summited the 31st top from 82 mountain
planned Patrick Berhault and Philippe Magnin finished ascending
in Mont Blanc massif. At 8.20 Patrick called. He and Phillip
were in Boccalatte hut. With a quiet little bit tired voice
he said: "What a wonderful day was yesterday!" and smiled
March, 29
Val Ferret - hut Boccalatte
On Weekend, March, 27-28
26/82. Patrick made solo le Verte (4122m) and
then teamed up with Didier Angeloz they scaled the Grande
Rocheuse (4102m) and l'Aiguille du Jardin (4035m).
Philippe descended to Chamonix for a couple of days to have
a rest.
Photo courtesy of http://www.club4000.it/
March, 26
The hut Torino (3322m) – bivouac Canzio (3825m) via
Dent du Geant (4013m), Aiguille (4001m) and
Dome de Rochefort (4015m)
Photo courtesy of http://www.club4000.it/
Friday, March, 19
Mont Blanc du Tacul (4248m) par les Aiguilles du Diable
(Corne du Diable 4064m, pointe Chaubert 4074m, pointe Mediane
4097m, pointe Carmen 4109m, l'Isolee 4114m), started from
the hut Cosmiques.
Monday, March, 22
Aiguille du midi Chamonix by cable-way. Happy birthday Philippe!
Photo courtesy of http://www.club4000.it/
Wednesday, March, 17
Bivouac Eccles – hut Gouter
via mont Brouillard (4068m), Baretti (4006m), Louis Amedee
(4470m), mont Blanc de Courmayeur (4765m), mont Blanc (4810m)
and dome du Gouter (4304m)
March, 18
Hut Gouter – hut Cosmiques via aiguille de Bionnassay
(4052m), mont Maudit (4465m) and mont Blanc du Tacul (4248m)
Photo courtesy of http://www.club4000.it/,
My phone rings! It's the guys! Patrick
and Phillip woke up early this night at 2.30 and at about
four o'clock in the morning they left in a direction of Emile
Rey (4068m) pass in hope to rush by it (and the main thing,
by its rockfalls attending the ascent) before the day's beginning.
From there they started climbing Brouillard (4068m) - their
first today's "4-thousand" mountain via the posh mixed ridge...
Then they are going on the movement on the ridge up to summit
of Baretti (4006m), their today's second "4-tousand" mountain.
It's a very beautiful, pyramidal top, with own charisma. Is
a pity, that it is a little far," - Patrick comments.
After Baretti Patrick Berhault and Philippe Magnin are going
to descend to Emile Rey pass again to head for their third
"4-tousand" mountain of this day - Louis Amedee (4470m). Then
they plan to make their trip further on the ridge to the fourth
summit - Mont Blanc de Courmayeur (4765m), and, at last,
at 17.20 the prospect to Mont Blanc (4810m) will be open,
where a surprise on behalf of Eric Magnin, Marco Gaiani and
Bug will expects them.
weather rings, the life is tremendously simple. We are in
the good shape, but the day like today's is a little longish..."
But it will not be the end yet - in the evening, descending
to the hut, they are going to summit the sixth "4-tousand"
mountain of this day - Dome du Gouter (4304m). Thus, by this
night 11 "4-tousand" mountains will be in their pocket.
Photo courtesy of http://www.club4000.it/,
Tuesday, on March, 16 2004, 13.36 Patrick
-Jean-Mi, could you look at the UIAA list to make clearer
if there is the second "4-thousand" mountain on Blanche de
- I wonder what for?
- We are at the top and ask the question: if we can look for
the other, more distant peak? It seems a pretty beginning.
I look at a list of official "4-thousand" mountains and understand
that they probably asked about Gouter dome. Well, the guys
are in the excellent shape.
left Eccles (3850m) about 6.15 in the morning, then descended
on Peuterey pass (3934m) for the following ascent on Grand
Pilier d'Angle (4243m). Mixed climbing led them to a very
delicate ridge and forced them to change the direction to
leave for the right top.
Then they descended Grand Pilier d'Angle and again made their
way up to Peuterey pass. From there the guys went directly
to Blanche de Peuterey (4112m) and summited at 13.30.
As to the weather, it is remarkable. It is so warm, that "We
stay in t-shorts", - Berhault says. We can hear Magnin's comments:
"but with long sleeves!" As for their shape: "I sleep somewhere
inside", - Phillip laughs. It remained only to descend from
Eccles to them. And Patrick makes the last clarification:
"I quite forgot to tell: we have climbed about 2500m difference
of altitude in total!"
79 to climb left. Patrick Berhault
and Philippe Magnin: Grand Paradis
On Thursday, March, 11, Patrick and Phillip summited the third
"4-thousand" - Grand Paradis. They had to get up early, as
to be exact at three o'clock in the morning, to catch a weather
window. As weather forecasters promised it will hold on since
about 9 a.m. up to 3 p.m. At about 4 a.m. Patrick and Phillip,
accompanied with Eric Magnin and Marco Gaiani left their temporary
shelter on Pont. Snow and a dense fog accompanied with them
up to Victor Emmanuel's hut, and, at last, some clearing in
the sky appeared. In three hundred meters up to the top, they
had to take off skis and to put on crampons to ascend the
ice pitch. Some heavy clouds, a temperate frost for the Ecrins
(-15Ñ) and full calm joined the climbers. And by 11 a.m. the
four successfully summited. While descending the weather and
the condition of snow resolutely improved. At 3 p.m. the guys
came back "home", to Pont.
Photo courtesy of http://www.chamonixmountainguide.com
Patrick Berhault and Philippe Magnin. The bad weather brings
own corrections
The bad weather in the Alps has brought own corrections to
Patrick Berhault's and Philippe Magnin's plan. A strong snowfall
in area Pralognan (a fresh snow cover has reached more than
60cm for last 24 hours), bad visibility and the sky tightened
by clouds at all have forced the climbers to take a small
time-out. Yesterday our friends left their rucksacks on the
pass and descended to Gliere valley to pass away the night
in a small private hut Barmette (2010m) going and at dawn
to take their trip forward in direction Val Isere - Esperons,
if the weather allow (the backlog from the schedule makes
48 hours).
The tour in 82 days of
the 82 4000m peaks:
1 - 3 March Ecrins (3 days)
4 - 7 March Raccord Ecrins/Gran Paradiso (4 days)
8 - 9 March Gran Paradiso (2 days)
10 - 13 March Raccord Grand Paradis/Monte Bianco (4 days)
14 - 23 March Mont Blanc (10 days)
24 - 26 March Raccord Monte Blanc/Valais (3 days)
27 March - 20 April Valais (25 days)
21 - 23 April Raccord Valais/Oberland (3 days)
24 April - 8 May Oberland (15 days)
9 - 18 May Raccord Oberland/Bernina (10 days)
19 - 21 May Bernina (3 days)
Total: 82 days
Having just descended from Ecrins Patrick Berhault and
Philippe Magnin have already moved forward to the refuge du
Thabor, in a direction to Grand Paradis (4061m).
They spent the last night in Casset visiting their old friend
at Eric Loizeau, who took part in the Patrick's successful
expedition to Everest last spring.
Photo courtesy of www.pardoes.com
Patrick Berhault and Philippe
Magnin. Marathon: 82 "4-thousand" mountains in the Alps for
82 days is started!
Yesterday 47-year old Patrick Berhault and 39-year old
Philippe Magnin started realization of their brilliant idea
- 82 "4-thousand" mountains in the Alps for 82 days. The Marathon
began: Barre des Ecrins, 4103m and the Le Dome, 4015m have
already summited.
2003 Patrick and Phillipe made 16 winter ascents on the most
complex routes of Mont Blanc massif (Crystal FFME-2003). Patrick
Berhault have remained for a long time for the "Soviet" public
in a shadow of his partner - Patrick Edlindger. In 2000-2001
Berhault spent five months in the Alpes. Having started from
Slovenia, he summited 22 mountains climbing via difficult
rocky routes for 167 days.
He climbed 141683m heights in total, 22280m from them- wall
climbing. In February 2001 Patrick finished in Menton (France).
Doing that he tried to prove that you do not have to go to
the Himalayas to take pleasure climbing in mountains.
Patrick Berhault's new project: 82 "4-thousand" mountains
in the Alps for 82 days
Patrick Berhault in the company with Philippe Magnin start
the Marathon of the distance - 82 summits higher than 4000m
in the Alps for 82 days- in the beginning of March.