Moscow Karakoram Expedition Haina Brakk Direct 2007 starts on June, 24 from Moscow.
Object of ascent: Haina Brakk (Shipton Spire) - 5852m.
Top Íaina Brakk* is located in the Northern provinces of Pakistan, in Karakoram range. From apart the wall seems ideally smooth. Due to what the mountain also received its name.
The main aim is to place the Russian trace on the wall and open a beautiful and logical line.
Today on June, 24 the Moscow Karakoram Expedition Haina Brakk Direct 2007 starts from Moscow for the capital of Pakistan Islamabad at 15.00.
Team's members:
Denis Savel'ev - the head of the expedition.
In his bag: climbs Bashkara, Ushba, Erydag, Zamin-Karor, Troll Wall.
Full information about expedition News of exepedition Membership of expedition: Sponsors and organizers: Mont
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